Just a reminder that tomorrow is day 1 of our December Concert.
The afternoon performance starts at 1:15pm and we invite Grandparents, Preschoolers, other Family Members, etc. Entrance is through the front door where a sign in sheet will be there for you to sign in. Please remember there will no be parking available except for in the bus loop and side of the Hammond's Plains Road. We caution parking at the Irving as they need access to their oil tanks and garbage bins.
Our ticketed evening performance starts at 6:30. Doors will open at 5:30 and parents may line up at the gym doors. All students are to remain with their parents/guardians until classroom supervision begins at 6:00
As in previous years, there is no cost for the tickets but we do have a silver collection box to offset the cost of lighting, sound and printing programs etc.
Our music departments thanks you for any donation.
The Wednesday performance will follow the same schedule as above.